Mihail Chemiakin - Carnival in St. Petersburg, Suite of 5 Lithographs (1988) - Lithograph, Mihail Chemiakin - Hedonism Gallery

Soviet nonconformist art

Soviet nonconformist art was Soviet art produced in the former Soviet Union outside the control of the Soviet state started in the Stalinist era, in particular, outside of the rubric of Socialist Realism. Other terms used to refer to this phenomenon are Soviet counterculture, "underground art" or "unofficial art".

Ernst Neizvestny


恩斯特·伊西福维奇·内兹维斯特尼(Ernst Iosifovich Neizvestny ,1925 年 – 2016 年)是一位俄罗斯雕塑家、画家、图形艺术家和艺术哲学家。 1976年移居美国,在纽约市生活和工作。恩斯特·内兹维斯特尼 (Ernst Neizvestny) 是一位艺术家和雕塑家,因反对苏联领导人尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫对其艺术“堕落”的谴责而闻名,后来受被废黜的苏联领导人的家人委托设计他的墓碑。... 

Oleg Tselkov

Oleg Tselkov (1934 — 2021) One of the leading figures of Soviet unofficial art, Oleg Tselkov developed a distinguished and immediately recognisable artistic language, in spite of the constraints of the oppressive autocratic regime, and continued to mature in the Soviet Union and during his semi-forced immigration to France in 1977. As the artist recounts: ‘I proved to myself and to others that even under totalitarian communist pressure one can preserve one’s courage, individuality and do one’s work in keeping with one’s own preferences and taste. Although a whole system was created to prevent the appearance of individuals like me, not only I existed, but I had held out. And I was not the only one’ (quoted in Y. Aleshkovsky et al., Tselkov, Milan, 1988, p. 293).

Mihail Chemiakin


米哈伊尔·切米亚金 ( 1943 ) 米哈伊尔·切米亚金(Mihail Chemiakin)是一位俄罗斯画家和雕塑家,他对圣彼得堡的非传统艺术运动的贡献改变了现代俄罗斯艺术世界的面貌。最初由切米亚金领导的地下运动现在已被俄罗斯视为其留给世界的遗产之一。时至今日,切米亚金仍然是一位活跃的艺术家,致力于雕塑、公共工程和动画创作。 切米亚金在 20 世纪 70 年代因其艺术而被(当时的)苏联流放。他在法国和纽约度过了这十年和接下来的十年。 20... 

Ilya and Emilia Kabakov


伊利亚·卡巴科夫 (Ilya Kabakov) 和艾米莉亚·卡巴科夫 (Emilia Kabakov)是前苏联、现居美国的艺术家,他们在将日常生活元素与概念元素融合在一起的环境中进行合作。虽然他们的作品深深植根于卡巴科夫家族成长的苏联社会和文化背景,但他们的作品仍然具有普遍意义。 伊利亚·卡巴科夫 (Ilya Kabakov) 1933 年出生于苏联第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克。他就读于莫斯科 VA...