Collection: François Fiedler

François Fiedler (1921–2001) is one of the most important artists in the post-war Modernist School of Paris. After World War II, he settled in France, where he became fascinated with Lyrical Abstraction. He was discovered by Joan Miró, who called Fiedler "the painter of light". Miró, Georges Braque, Marc Chagall, Alexander Calder, Eduardo Chillida, Fiedler, Alberto Giacometti, Fernand Léger, Henri Matisse, Jean-Paul Riopelle, Antoni Tàpies a great circle gathered and was joined by a new generation of artists. Fiedler created a unique style in lyrical abstraction.

Fiedler's works can still be seen in museums and galleries, including the Maeght Foundation in Paris and the Guggenheim Museum in New York City.